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One of the main pillars of school wellbeing is regular movement. It not only improves physical fitness but also promotes concentration, reduces stress and contributes to a better mood. Active children learn better, are less tired and are more motivated to engage in learning.

The Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic together with the Czech School Inspectorate has therefore introduced the Active Schools concept, which includes a number of measures to promote children's movement in the educational environment. The concept is based on several key principles:

  • Incorporating exercise into regular lessons
  • encouraging active breaks and increasing opportunities for exercise in the school environment - for example in corridors, schoolyards or sports grounds
  • innovating physical education - changing its concept, content and forms
  • strengthening physical activities in leisure education
  • promoting active forms of transport to and from school

Funding of physical activities from the Templates

The good news is that schools can benefit from the OP JAK templates to promote movement. The Ministry of Education, together with the Czech School Inspectorate, has identified physical activity as one of the key areas of support. Implementation can take the form of project or sports days, tandem lessons, etc. Importantly, in accordance with the conditions and parameters of the template call, the project will also allow for the acquisition of aids and tools to increase pupils' spontaneous physical activities.

Technology does not have to be a negative cause of lack of exercise, but can on the contrary (inter)actively address this problem.
Such an innovative and attractive tool for pupils can be, for example, a movement interactive floor or wall. Pupils relax, but also learn through play, where they use movement to control various educational applications projected on the floor or by hitting balls against the content on the wall. The textual description sounds rather boring, but watch the video below to see how it works and the experiences of specific Czech schools that have already tried this innovation.

More about Template funding for physical activities

More about the interactive floor/wall

Want to know more?? Contact us and let us help you with funding and implementation in your school!

Interaktivní podlaha na ZŠ Velvary

Interaktivní podlaha na ZŠ Velvary placeholder
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Interaktivní stěna na ZŠ a MŠ Zličín

Interaktivní stěna na ZŠ a MŠ Zličín placeholder
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