Funding of physical activities from the Templates
Support the wellbeing of pupils!
Movement is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle and promoting it in schools is crucial for children's physical and mental development. The Ministry of Education and Science, together with the Czech School Inspectorate, has included physical activities among the key areas of support and therefore schools can now benefit from funding from the OP JAK Templates.
📌 2.II/5 Innovative education of pupils in primary schools – enables the implementation of movement projects and the improvement of conditions for active learning.
📌 2.V/2 Innovative education of leisure education participants in the School of Education and Sports – promotes physical literacy in after-school clubs and school clubs.
Examples of possible project activities:
- project day – exercise regime at school (according to the Active School methodology). Pupils and teachers can discuss the physical and psychological challenges associated with lack of exercise. This can include a proposal for a school transformation that removes barriers to more active movement during the day.
A sports day/parade as an integral part of a TV showcase of educational achievements or, in collaboration with sports clubs, the organisation of a sports showcase (festival of sport) - sport courses as part of the curriculum (winter and summer tourist-sport course)
- tandem lessons with TV teachers, SVČ instructors or coaches
- courses for teachers in the field of physical education
Create a school environment that encourages movement
In accordance with the conditions and parameters of the call for templates, the project will also enable the purchase of aids and tools to increase the spontaneous physical activities of pupils or the purchase of aids for the construction of a school centre for physical literacy. Such an innovative and attractive tool could be an interactive floor or wall.
With this support, schools can become environments that naturally promote movement, healthy lifestyles and well-being for pupils. Interested in more information or help with funding? Contact us!
Based on the Keys to School Development guidance document