We would like to inform you that AV MEDIA, a.s., company having its registered office at Pražská 1335/63, Hostivař, 102 00 Praha 10, company ID: 48108375, incorporated in the commercial register of the Metropolitan Court in Prague, file number B 10120 (the “Company Being Divided”), is being divided and as of 1 September 2018 completes the process of division of the Company Being Divided by spinning off by merger by acquisition under Section 1(2), Section 243(1)(b) et seq., Section 280 et seq. and Section 290 et seq. of Act No. 125/2008 Sb., on Transformation of Business Companies and Cooperatives, as amended (the “Transformation Act”).

One of the reasons for the division is to increase the ability of our employees to reflect the needs of our customers and to meet their needs more efficiently.

AV MEDIA, a.s. has been providing the services of installation and lease of audiovisual equipment for 25 years.  By completion of the division project, we will further provide these services, however, through a holding of the Company Being Divided and the Acquiring Companies.

AV MEDIA, a.s. will continue to provide fixed integrated AV solutions for customers in education, public administration, culture and commercial sphere. Starting from 1 September 2018, the services associated with the lease and supply of technological solutions for organizers of conferences, congresses, shows and other events will be provided by AV MEDIA EVENTS, a.s.

All holding companies remain strong and flourishing entities, that are able to maintain and keep strengthening their market power and position on Czech and Central European markets.

Please find more details at www.avmedia.cz/en/division.